Monday, July 27, 2009

The First Jam Wedding!

(Or, well, the first wedding of two Jammers,) was on Saturday!

God bless you, Conrad and Erin, and grant you all happiness in your married life!

Dear Conrad and Erin,
Today you are wed;
May ten thousand blessings
Pour down on each head;
For one out of two
Is woven today,
As two violins
One sweet melody play.
Santiago protect you,
Your guardian divine;
May your children flourish
As grapes on the vine;
And may the sweet notes
Of your holy accord
Be one richly harmonized
Praise to Our Lord.
As Mary and Joseph
May both of you be
United forever
In true charity;
One mind and one heart,
One true love alway,
Till death do you part,
As you vowed on this day.
--July 25, 2009


Thom said...

I didn't know they got Married already,


If you ever read this, God bless you and, your new wife, May every day you live together be as happy and blessed as the first.

I liked that that was beautiful, I liked the skippity rhythm of it, it gives it such a happy air, for the occasion it celebrates. may I ask an ignorant question?
Who is Santiago?
I wrote a poem about getting married, not about them , I wrote it Many years ago ,but I'll post it on Tradcats, now that it would be relevant.

Agnes Regina said...

Santiago is St. James, Tom, on whose feast they were married, and by whose intercession, if I'm not wrong, Erin found her Perfect Man...

Oh, right... you weren't at the Jam! In the True Story, Father Stanich told how she went to his shrine at Compostela to pray that she find the right guy (if that part was strictly true, with Fr's 'true stories' you can never tell, haha! but I think that bit probably was.)

I saw the other poem, and loved it!

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

God bless Conrad and Erin!

Agnes Regina said...

Thank you, Hans!