Friday, August 7, 2009

Jam Session 4.1 (a special edition!)

Jam Session 4.1: Stephanie's Wedding is just around the bend! Tomorrow, actually! The Gattozzis are coming up to St. Louis, armed with bow and ... um, fiddle, and passing through Houston to take the same flight as Father Stanich; so I get to meet them all at the airport and drag them home with me for random acts of music and lots of de-Erausquin-style fun. Which is LOTS of fun!

The music for the wedding is going to be amazing! We are singing the Palestrina Missa Brevis, of beloved Jam I memory (why can't all the Jammers come help us sing it?); the Offertory hymn is O Sanctissima, and the Communion will be Mozart's Ave Verum with full string section - three violins, one masquerading as viola. But the best part of the whole thing, I think, will be blasting out Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition with every stop out on the organ: the Promenade was chosen for the bridesmaids' march, and the Great Gate of Kiev for the bride.

Not to be content with a really awesome Nuptial Mass, Stephanie asked for live music at the reception. So there will be jazz from Dom and classical music from all of us, including Fr. Stanich's rendition of the Vivaldi Mandolin Concerto in C. Good times, good times... I'll post how it all went afterwards!


Thom said...

That sounds great! I wish I could be there.
I have only been to one traditional Catholic wedding, and I was not exactly invited...

It was at St. Jude's, in Stafford TX, I had just finished serving at the 10:00 mass, and there was a very small wedding afterward. It was a couple who recently converted and, were getting remarried through the Church. So there was no bridesmaids, or puffy white wedding, just a middle age couple and some family and friends; But what makes it memorable is that, I sat in the pews and, heard the mass, in my cassock!(lol) I had just served and I took off my surpluce and forgot to take my cassock off, and I didn't realize till I was halfway to the sanctuary; and was going to go back, but it was fixing to start, so Fr. Dignan (who I was walking with)told me that it would be fine; And to just come. So I spent the whole of the ceremony in my cassock, kneeling next to a priest! lol I had some strange, kinda I have never seen you, looks afterward. =D

But that sounds awesome, I really wish we could be there. But even if all the Jammers can't be there for 4.1 that's just reason for us to even more look forward, to jam V!!!!

Thom said...

Regina!!! how did it go!?!!?!?!?!?!?
you promised, you promised =(

Agnes Regina said...

Sorry the post took so long to write! As it's insanely long, I took several days to write it in snatches! But it's there, so no more complaining!

Thom said...

Thank you..... =D lol

Cecilia de Erausquin said...

its not a jam if its only gonna be 3 people from the jam

Agnes Regina said...

That's why it's a decimal Jam, a fraction of a Jam, as it were.