Friday, September 26, 2008

A Poem by Ines: Group Therapy

Well, my dears, I present THE THERAPY GROUP THEME SONG. No, it does not have music yet. Dom, Bibi, anybody?....

Come sit in our circle and tell us your name,
We'll greet you with cheerful delight,
And tell us your troubles, whatever they be,
For surely we'll set them all right!
What is it you suffer? Addiction to gum?
Or does ADOS trouble you?
Or are you the type that's been drinking for twen-
Ty-one years -- and is just twenty-two?
Come sit in our circle and tell us your name
And your problem, whatever it be;
At Jam Session Group Therapy!


Old Fashioned Liberal said...

Is that the Dallas cathedral in the background? I've been there, but I can't remember all the details exactly.

Agnes Regina said...

No; it's the SSPX church in St. Louis, MO -- St. Mary's Assumption. This is the blog for the "jam-sessions", in which a group of kids from a few of the SSPX chapels get together to sing polyphony and play music.

Old Fashioned Liberal said...

Ah. They look kind of the same.

Old Fashioned Liberal said...

Ah. They look kind of the same.

Agnes Regina said...

but they're not :)... come and see ours sometime.

Lucia Rosa said...

Why does it look like Ig is smoking a pipe in this picture?

Agnes Regina said...

Is he holding the mate or a cup?