Monday, September 29, 2008

Another poem by Inés...

this one is the theme of Jam Session III, the St. Stephen's Jam! If you can't guess the tune you must be very uncultured in the way of carols or slightly dense... :)

Here we go to Texas, o,
For session number three,
To sing with all our dear friends
Some more polyphony;
Send a note! Pass the word!
"Guys, we're gonna sing some Byrd!"
And God bless us and send us
A merry, merry jam,
And God send us a merry, merry jam.

God bless our Father Stanich dear
Upon his festal day;
We'll drink his health with pleasure,
And cheer him "Hip, hooray!"
Loud and louder we'll cheer
Our Croatian Father dear
And God bless us...

Although the city's shaken by
A recent hurricane,
With merriment and music
We'll shake it up again,
All in Christ to restore
We will sing and sing some more
And God bless us...

And to the Holy Innocents
On Sunday we will pray,
That they may keep us stainless
And innocent as they;
In their praise we will cry
"Glory be to God on high,"
And God bless us...

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Poem by Ines: Group Therapy

Well, my dears, I present THE THERAPY GROUP THEME SONG. No, it does not have music yet. Dom, Bibi, anybody?....

Come sit in our circle and tell us your name,
We'll greet you with cheerful delight,
And tell us your troubles, whatever they be,
For surely we'll set them all right!
What is it you suffer? Addiction to gum?
Or does ADOS trouble you?
Or are you the type that's been drinking for twen-
Ty-one years -- and is just twenty-two?
Come sit in our circle and tell us your name
And your problem, whatever it be;
At Jam Session Group Therapy!